Sunny Funny Parappa the Rapper Clip Cutscene

Rap or crap (your pants).

PaRappa The Rapper 1

  • The Rappin' Cool freestyles can certainly turn into this:
    • This video shows how broken the game's COOL freestyle system really is.
  • In the car rap:

    Mooselini: Do you know why we stopped the car?
    Mooselini: I forgot to close the door.

  • Instructor Mooselini. You know, like the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
  • Parappa's dad is understandably concerned when Parappa borrows the family car. And sure enough, his concerns become real when PaRappa DOES trash said car.

    Parappa! Hey Parappa! Where are you going with my car!? YOU'VE ONLY HAD THAT LICENSE TEN MIINUUUUUTES...!!

  • Katy chewing out Parappa in his daydream:

    Katy: What do you expect to do without a cake? A birthday party without a cake is like a dance floor without me!

  • During Cheap Cheap's rap:

    Cheap Cheap: Here, I've got a little sample.
    Parappa: Here, I don't have a sample.
    Cheap Cheap: 'Cause ample time's just what we don't have!
    Parappa: 'Cause money and time's just what we don't have!

  • At the end of Cheap Cheap's rap, the two are inexplicably shown to be in the same room.
    • If you do badly during the rap, Cheap Cheap will angrily march off her set to instruct Parappa herself.
    • Likewise, if you maintain a Cool until the end of the stage, Cheap Cheap will comment on Parappa's excellent performance before making a suggestion:

      Cheap Cheap: Hey, seafood cake is okay, but you should try my new Cheap Cheap Cherry Cake for only 19.95!
      Parappa: Ah, yeah, I'll think about it.

  • The entire bathroom rap, especially when you enter Cool mode. It's so hilarious that you could forgive the developers for making it That One Level.
    • Or when you fail, in which the Potty Failure is depicted as a rocket taking off inside PaRappa, as a way of indicating that he pooped his pants.
    • The cutscene where you win is even worse.
    • There is something hilariously and beautifully cathartic about Joe Chin dropping his entire 42-story cake in the forest (unbeknownst to the others), especially since he's the sole reason why PaRappa had to go on Cheap Cheap's cooking show in the first place, and likewise, put many players through hell trying to clear the damn rap.
    • "I need to go/just as bad as you/What I had this morning I don't even want to say to you/Kick, punch, turn, and chop the door!"
    • "Ribet ribet/I can't hold it/Last that I had/I already sold it."
  • If you listen very closely during the ending of the last rap in PaRappa 1, you can hear...

    Joe Chin: I really appreciate this fabulous party you all had just for me!

Um Jammer Lammy

  • See Um Jammer Lammy

PaRappa The Rapper 2

  • "Huh? Noodles into Noodles? At the Chinese restaurant?"
  • During the Hairdresser Octopus' rap, the game has a "Kids, don't try this at home!" warning as the hairdresser and PaRappa are dancing with scissors.
  • Romantic Karate
  • At the very end of the intro cutscene in "Noodles Are the Flow, Noodles Are the Groove," there's yet another "I know! I gotta believe!" scene. The kicker? Instead of PaRappa saying it, it's Colonel Noodles.
  • Guru Ant, after growing bigger than the Earth with PaRappa, is obviously scared. When the two of them shrink back down, he says "You'll never see me scared," and "I wasn't scared, you must've been dreamin'." PaRappa just goes with it.
    • In Two-player Battle Rap, if the player controlling Guru Ant presses an unused button, he will shout "Scared!" as he is attacked by a cockroach or a meteor.


  • Parappa's resurgence in popularity thanks to "Chinese" is quite literally a Noodle Incident.
  • SiIvaGunner's version of the car rap is even funnier than the original version.
  • In general, given the relative freedom that a player is provided with when rapping (especially during Cool mode and 2-player versus games), it's very much possible to use the word clips available at disposal in such a way that Hilarity Ensues.
    • Depending on the available words, a player can easily rearrange them to form something new, such as turning "What's your/my name, fool?" into "What's your/my full name?", creating "I've got a TV" or "Put my show back on TV" from "Put me back son, you know I gotta go/I'm gonna miss my favorite TV show", and making Colonel Noodle say "N-O N-O N-O N-O" during the "N-Double O-D-L-E-S" part (all three being examples from Parappa The Rapper 2 done in "Chinese"). It's also possible to form less appropriate words/sentences this way.
    • Within context, each and every word available to the player is completely clean. However, due to the pronunciation of a few words in some cases (namely "for" and "five" in Parappa The Rapper 2), a player can easily change the way they listen to these words, leading to them appearing to sound vulgar. The most notable example is the "Thanks brother" part in Parappa the Rapper 2 where mashing the L button makes Parappa/Colonel say "For you/me", which can also sound like they're saying "fuck" instead of "for".
    • The first level of 2 has the line "Cut the lettuce, don't forget the cheese" which can be morphed into "Cut the cheese". It is also possible for the line to be randomly generated by Beard Burger Master himself while playing the level.
    • Alternatively, the player can also press or mash random buttons to produce lyrics that make little sense, lyrics that make NO sense, stuttering, and spaz attacks. To add even more fun to the mix, there are also default commands for buttons that don't have any action mapped to them (a.k.a. Parappa saying "Oops!" or "Uh-oh!" when an unused button is pressed) and instead make the player character suffer some sort of hindrance (such as slipping and nearly falling, having a bug jump out of the carpet and a stove next to them combusting), and the best part is that NPCs have this as well when playing a 2-player versus game (see, again in "Chinese", the screaming fits of Beard Burger Master).
    • And on the topic of spaz attacks and stuttering, there's a video called "CARAMBA" that showcases this in Cool mode. It also showcases a replay bug caused by having too many rap commands in a single replay, causing Parappa to stop rapping after a certain point - which in turn leads to him entering Cool mode despite being completely silent and unresponsive.
      • And during Cool Mode? Watch as Lammy looks so horrified as Parappa spazes out and does whatever he wants to her hair. Or during the Good Bad Bug, watch them simply groove on while the Octopus Hairdresser is cleaning up (non-existent) hairs.
  • PaRappa gets to have a 90's rap icon as his driving instructor for the day. It isn't as fulfilling as expected, given...y'know, the 90's.


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